Time-Based Routing Route your calls according to set times
Indicate as many time slots as you wish, by day or by week, and establish call routing rules adapted to each.
Route calls according to opening hours
Indicate your opening and closing hours and customize greetings to suit the timing. You can even divide your opening hours according to varying periods (morning, lunchtime, etc.).

Adapt routing to your internal organisation
Diffuse calls according to time slots corresponding to your teams’ work schedules: morning team, afternoon team, etc.

Create rules for on-call periods
Establish a specific on-call rule to send calls to tech support available after office closing hours, for example.

Set up an external call-routing
Indicate hours during which calls must be redirected to external numbers such as a call center or another business hotline.

Ensure continuous service
Make sure that all incoming calls will be handled during opening hours, after closing hours and even when you are not in a position to respond.

Anticipate special dates
Holidays, one-off events, seminars, set up your standard in advance for all special days of the year with tailored announcements and distribution rules.

- How many time slots can be created for any given day?
- Is it possible to include holidays and vacation periods?
How many time slots can be created for any given day?
There are no limits. You may create as many time slots as you wish. Each time slot will have its own rules for routing calls. For example, you may route morning calls to a group of users and afternoon calls to a different group of users.
Is it possible to include holidays and vacation periods?
Yes, you may pre-set business hours for special days without having to modify your IVR every time for each holiday or vacation period.